Reimbursement FormIf you’ve purchased something on behalf of the PTO, please fill out the form below to request a reimbursement check from our treasurer. Check made payable to: * First Name Last Name Email * Delivery: * Where should we send your check? Mail to address below Leave at school for pickup If mailing check, what is the address? Total amount requested for reimbursement * $ Committee/Event/Category of purchase: * Other Spirit wear Merchandise Reading Rally Expenses Sponsorship Expenses Membership Expenses TigerFest Expenses DEI Discretionary DAC Discretionary DEI: Hispanic Heritage Month DEI: AANHPI Month DEI: Native Amer History Month DEI: Diwali DEI: Jambo Book Club DEI: Black History Performance DEI: Black History Month DEI: Pride Porches DEI: Lunar New Year Student of the Month Media Center/Book Fair Specials: ESOL/Speech Specials: LINKS Specials: Art Specials: Music Specials: PE Specials: Spanish Specials: STEM class 5th grade moving on ceremonies 5th grade big bash Student Clubs STEM Night Tybee Trip Sorting Day 3rd gr/new staff House shirts House flags, class House flags, large Altruismo Amistad Isibindi Nukumori Onraka Reveur General House Fund SRTS: Bus driver appreciation SRTS: Crossing guard appreciation Staff appreciation: gift cards Snack Cart Staff welcome lunch Staff welcome and holiday gifts Staff welcome shirts Staff break room supplies Staff appreciation week Photo Project Staff Care Fund Capital Improvement Garden Website PTO General Discretionary PTO Operating Supplies, misc PTO Comms, general PTO Vol Appreciation Description/Purpose: * Date check needed * Please allow 1-2 weeks if possible Thanks! We’ve received your form.